Live Video Streaming

Server Video Streaming RTMP/HLS - Live Streaming

Web-TV Server Video

Server Video Streaming with playlist scheduler and live streaming options.

CDN Services

Cloud Delivery Network to speed up and increase your audience.

Cloud-TV Streaming Video

Il nostro Pannello Cloud-TV ti permette di schedulare i tuoi video in formato mp4 in maniera del tutto automatica giornalmente o settimanalmente. Avrai a disposizione 12 cartelle della durata di 2 ore ciascuna, nelle quali potrai inserire tutti i video in formato mp4 che desideri vengano schedulati in quella fascia oraria, più una cartella denominata “Spot” dove inserire video pubblicitari o identificativi della tua web-tv.

Scopri Piani

Server Live Video Streaming

I nostri Server Video Streaming utilizzano le migliore tecnologie per effettuare le tue dirette in streaming tramite la tua regia in modalità live e in HD. Compatibile con OBS/Wirecast/Mbstudio/Manycam e tutte le regie video streaming compatibili con RTMP live streaming.

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CDN Unlimited

CDN Unlimited è il servizio di Cloud Delivery Newtwork che ti permette di espandere i tuoi utenti connessi in contemporanea al flusso streaming, senza doverti preoccupare del traffico generato. La nostra rete CDN offre un modo semplice per incrementare la velocità e le contemporaneità del tuo flusso streaming, riducendo, al contempo, la latenza.

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Perchè scegliere i nostri servizi di video streaming?


We update Servers core and Control Panel to keep your service up to date.

Account Isolation

Your website will be safe even if there are vulnerable accounts.

Optimized Software

All software we install on our machines is optimized for speed.

Daily Backups

We keep up to 30 daily backup copies of your WordPress site.

Unlimited CDN Infrastructure

CDN - Cloud Delivery Infrastructure Scalabale and Global Reach!

CloudFlare Integration

Cache content and filter malicious traffic before it hits your server.

Server Level Protection

If a major vulnerability appears, we develop & apply server-level fixes.

Free 24×7/365 Support

You can reach our team at any time, day or night.

30 Day Money-back Guarantee

If you're not completely satisfied, simply cancel within 30 days.

Crea la tua Web-TV in pochi click Playlist Scheduler
  • EASY TO USE - build your professional web-tv simply.
  • PLAYLIST+LIVE - create your playlist from your media contents or go live.
  • SOCIAL PUSHING - Go live on Facebook/Youtube/Periscope/Twitch
    Starting at Just €20/monthly only.
  • Scopri Piani
Crea la tua Web-Radio in pochi click Playlist Scheduler
  • EASY TO USE - build your professional web-radio simply.
  • PLAYLIST+LIVE - create your playlist from your mp3 media contents or go live.
  • HTML5 Player Included - Customised Player wth Your Logo
    Starting at Just €20/monthly only.
  • Scopri Piani

More than 200,000 viewers everyday!

get your web-tv online today










Cloud-TV Control Panel Overview
Automatic Playlist Manager

Watch videos to
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Have Questions?

How do I cancel and delete my account?

You can cancel or close your website and account at any time. To do so, login to ArkaHost with your email/password combination. Your sites will be listed on your dashboard. Click the “delete site” link to delete a website. If you are logging in with a username/password combination, then login, and click on the “Site Settings” link. You will find a delete account link at the bottom right of the Site Settings page.

Can I get my website listed in Google?

Certainly, once you create your site, simply post your URL to Google’s free site submission page. Note: It may take a few days to a few weeks to get listed.

Can I run a business?

Absolutely! Hundreds of thousands of small businesses use Webs for their websites. Whether it’s a simple business site or a full fledged online store, you can do it here. We also offer Premium Services like the ability to register a custom domain name (like to put a truly professional finish on your site.

Does ArkaHost offer phone support?

Yes! Phone support comes standard with our Pro Package. We offer email and live chat support options with our other packages, and we have a robust community forum where you can get help from the Webs community as well as ArkaHost staff members.

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